By John Kotyk A Rose, 2020; ink on paper; 5 X 6 inches.Better Days, 1980; charcoal on paper; 12 x 10 inches.A Hand, 1974; pencil on paper; 7 x 5 inches.Branch with Leaf, 1977; ink on paper; 5 x 7 inches.New Branch Growth, 1977; ink on paper; 4 x 8 inches.Wine Time, 1976; pencil on paper; 15 x 13 inches.Chris, 1976; pencil on paper; 17 x 11 inches.House Plant, 1974; pencil on paper; 8 x 4 inches.Patrick, 1976; pencil on paper; 17 x 11 inches.Moses, 1977: ink on paper; 18 x 12 inches.David, 1976; pencil on paper; 17 x 11 inches. Back to Art Privacy Policy Please ADD / REMOVE me from the JJKPHD distribution list.